Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

J. Paul Lis

Recent Entries

  • Sumerians

    Located in southern Mesopotamia, the "Land of Civilized Lords" and the "Native Land" during the Early Bronze Age had complex agriculture, religion, and laws by 7000bp (before present). One of the earliest fully developed written languages. Referred to as Shinar in the Bible. Possibly the location fo...
  • Anangu

    The Anangu (Australian Aboriginal word meaning "Human" or "Person") have lived in Australia for over 50.000 years now. They have a very special ability. They are united and connected as no other in the world. Together, they dream. Their Dreamtime Stories have produced a detailed history dating well ...
  • homeless

    You park your Jag in the garage, a long day at the office. Two minor surgeries and a tripple bypass. You go inside to find your wifes ring on top of divorce papers on the table. There's a note; "Fell in love with the personal trainer, sorry it didn't work out. hope you find happi...
  • Back Yard Garden Network

    So, I've created the first nodes of the Back Yard Garden Network. Researching and planning, plotting and computing.... I figure this country can be self sufficent by the year 2025. It would take a national effort, and I'm willing to lead the way! If you have a garden, sign up on our website and crea...
  • Illegal immigrants?

    "Give me your tired, your poor,Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"...-The New ColossusOr should we tear down the Statue of Liberty?