Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Mary Devor

Recent Entries

  • Many Paths - One Goal?

    Many Paths...One Goal? From my blog: http://stillnesswithin.blogspot.com/2011/05/many-paths-one-goal.html   It is said in many religious beliefs that the followers of that particular religion have 'THE' correct answer, that their religion is the ONE and ONLY path. I beg to differ....Having b...
  • Article: The Full Moon

    The Full MoonBy Molly HallWhat happens at the full Moon?The Full Moon is a culmination, a peak, and many people notice a spike in exuberance and activity at this time. The Sun and Moon are in opposite signs, and the qualities of both signs in which they fall are lit up with a current running between...
  • Where Am I and Why Am I in this Basket?

    Ahhh my spiritual path....what a complex yet simplistic thing it has been and still is! I grew up in a very liberal Methodist church and am grateful for that with all my heart. It gave me the foundation of open mindedness and pure love for all. Growing up in a college town where my dad was a profes...