Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Otis Benton

Gone Fishing!

  • The other day my brother and I went fishing in his boat.While we were fishing my brother kept moving from one side of the boat casting out his line,trying every thing he could to catch a fish. Mean while I am still sitting in the same place fishing on the same side I started on. I had already caught two large mouth bass that weighed about 4 lbs each, and three large mouth bass that weighed about 1 to 1 and a half pounds each. Everytime I caught one I would let them go. I was just having fun spending some time with my brother. He got upset with me because I let the fish go. However he was even more angry because I caught all of these fish sitting in the same place. He asked me how is it possible that your catching all these fish in the same spot and I have fished from every side of the boat and haven't caught anything? He asked me to switch places so he could fish where I was catching the fish. I gladly switched placed with him. He cast out his line about 20 times and still never caught any fish. I was fishing from the other side where he started on and caught 2 more bass,I gave him the bass so he wouldn't go home empty handed. He asked me how or what I was doing different from him,as we were both using the same bait. I said to my brother I am doing nothing any diffrent from you except I have an understanding that the water is the same on both sides of the boat and that the fish are swimming in the same water. I don't try to figure out where the fish are,I just relax and let the fish come to me. I said it is much more enjoyable to catch fish knowing that they are looking for something to eat and ley them come to me than it is to worry about trying to outsmart the fish. I told him that I already have what the fish want and if they are hungry they will come and get it. I thought he was going to get upset with me because of what I said but he stared at me for a moment and said you know what you just said makes a lot of scence,so he sat down in the boat began to relax and let the fish come to him. He caught three bass of his own and went on smiling.


    I think sometimes we try to hard to get thing to work for us when if we would just try to relax and let it happen we wouldn't have to struggle so hard in life.