Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Otis Benton

Recent Entries

  • Creating Ones Own Path!

    I could have followed the same path as the multitudes traveled before me,however it didn't seem to be worth the effort,for I have discovered that to travel down the same path that the multitudes have traveled, there would not be anything left to enjoy,nothing left for me to discover,for everyth...
  • Gone Fishing!

    The other day my brother and I went fishing in his boat.While we were fishing my brother kept moving from one side of the boat casting out his line,trying every thing he could to catch a fish. Mean while I am still sitting in the same place fishing on the same side I started on. I had already caught...
  • Does It Hurt, To Be insulted or Judged in a Public Place?

    Indeed it does! I myself have felt the wrath and the hurt of being insulted and judged in a public place. This is not a good feeling and I would not wish anyone to feel as I have felt on that day.  Therefore I for one shall never practice or pass any insults or judge any one because of wha...