Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Samantha Lynne, Okuden

Recent Entries

  • What a Bumpy Road!

    Oy Vey!   Keeping strong through the dark times is tough. Now, let's face it. I know that there's little chance of me officiating anything- weddings, funerals, etc. I'm simply overwhelmed by the process of paper work and screwing up somebody's serious moments in life. I joined the Monastery a...
  • A Funeral Refresher

    For those of you who are new, and seeking guidance in performing a funeral service. Here's a good place to start. It's a simple, non-denominational guide that open to insertions of spirituatlity. :) Eulogy guide included.  Talk to the family. Call the family and arrange to meet them, prefera...
  • Druidism in a Nutshell.

    For those of you looking for a "quick guide" version to Druidry, here's a great start. I stumbled upon this article as I was seeking more information myself. Druidism practices a tolerance of many different philosophical and spiritual traditions and teaches that no one system of thought is true...