Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

High Priestess Crystal Forestmoon

Recent Entries

  • Autumn Enchantment

    Autumn Enchantments I don't know about you but tis time of the year, Autumn, brings me such a renewed Energy to all aspects in my life. Maybe its the crisp cool air, the scent of fallen leaves, pumpkins, squash, or the many decorations and colors about. Or maybe it's because Samhain is the New Year ...
  • Connecting to your Belief

    No matter what faith you follow, I feel this entry can be useful to everyone. Connecting to your belief, and "Walking your Talk," are two things all beliefs should not only understand, but work toward doing. I connect to my own Belief every single day, in one form or another, and I do Honestly "Walk...
  • Diverse and United?

    I sat in a Catholic Church today; June 29, 2014, as I have every Sunday for the past month and a half with a person I take care of at work, and the Reverend spoke of the Opossels Paul and Peter, along with the teachings of Diversity and Unity. This touched my heart and Soul, more than one would most...
  • Rainy-Day Magick

            Rainy Day Magick, by Melanie Marquis     Like plants of the Earth, through the rain, we thrive. A rainy day presents a great opportunity to connect with nature and work fast acting, life-enhancing magic. Rain is both a part of nature&rsq...
  • Witch Craft on a Budget

    The Witch's Basic Supply List/A Witch's CabinetIf you are new to Wicca/ Paganism, take this moment right now to go get some paper and a pen. Now, lets continue. These are the basic necessities, there will be more things you will need for spells.IncenseCandles: Get white first then worry about the re...
  • Altar in pain view

     The Altar Hidden in Plain SightWhen you are a teenager or in college living with intolerant people it can be hard, I know first hand. After my  mother converted with my step dad I had to learn how to hide my witch stuff. I was keeping it in a box until I  read this idea in a great bo...
  • Wiccan Spiritual Pledge, Values, and Creed

    Pledge to Pagan SpiritualityI am a Pagan and I dedicate Myself to channeling the Spiritual Energy of my Inner Self to help and to heal myself and others.    * I know that I am a part of the Whole of Nature. May I grow in understanding of the Unity of all Nature. May I always walk in B...
  • Do "Witches" Pray?

    I have been told by some, "Witches don't pray," and asked by others; "Do Witches pray?"Yes, Witches do pray. Does this surprise you? If so I ask why does it? Do you pray? Why wouldn't Witches pray than? We have not just one God or Goddess, we have many depending on the Patheon we follow in Wicca/Pag...
  • Wiccan Patheons - The Kitchen Witch

    Kitchen Witch;    Kitchen witchery is a unique form of solitary witchcraft, which honors the mundane in life and finds sacredness in every day, simple acts. The kitchen witch finds pleasure and meaning in cooking especially, but also knows the secrets of making housework magical and t...
  • Wiccan Patheons (S-W the end)

    Sacred Wheel Tradition    An eclectic neo-Pagan path which was organized in Delaware within the past decade.  Calling themselves Wiccan, they focus on balance and learning. Celtic beliefs are a part of their teachings. Still concentrated in the eastern states, covens are formed f...
  • Wiccan Patheons (I-R)

    Irish Tradition    A generic term used to identify traditions native to Ireland and her people.  Many indicidual traditions come under this broad heading, though some believe the only true Irish tradition is one which is pre-Celtic.Kingstone Tradition   An English tradi...
  • Wiccan Patheons (D-H)

    Deborean Tradition (Deb-OR-ee-awn)    This American eclectic tradition has Celtic ties in the sense that they use names from the Anglo-Celtic mythos to designate their leaders.  They are an initiatory tradition which attempts to reconstruct Wicca as it was before the witch persec...
  • Wiccan Patheons (A-C)

     The Religion;     Witchcraft is a spiritual practice, a way of life, a belief system and a religion. Witchcraft is the religion that sets the foundation of belief. The denominations of Witchcraft are called Traditions. They further define and implement the foundation of bel...
  • Wiccan Wheel of the Year

                                   The Wheel of the Year (Sacred Sabbats/Holidays)   As the wheel turns, Pagans celebrate 8 Holy days or Sabbats...
  • Halloween/ Samhain Sabbat

    As Halloween comes upon us, there are some things I wish to let people know. In the Wiccan/Pagan community Hallow's Eve is our New Years Eve, a night where the wheel of the years begins to turn once again. The Holiday is call Samhain (pronounced; Sow-Wen, or Sew-Wen, or Sahm-hain) and is October 31s...
  • The Pentacle/Pentagram

                                                    The Pentacle ...
  • Bare basics -Wicca

    Wicca (WICK-AH, WEECH-AH, or WEEK-AH)The Anglo-Saxon term for witchcraft popularized by Pagan writers since the 1950's. The term usually refers to an Anglo-Celtic practice, particularly as interpreted by Wiccan leader Gerald Gardner. Wicca is an Anglo-Saxon word meaning "wise one," a term which came...
  • Wiccan Basics 101

    Just some easy basic information about the Wicca Religion/Path I follow. As I do teach others, I am always posting information and lessons on my face book page. Hope this helps others to understand the Wiccan ways better ;)             &nbs...