Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Rev. David Safford, D.D.

Recent Entries

  • Proof vs Faith

    I recently debated with an Atheist relative who used a variation of the "Russel's Teapot" argument to illistrate the lunacy of believing in a diety. He took it a step farther, postulating a "Stegosaurus in a space ship orbiting Neptune".... to which I responded "I can't prove or disprove that. I don...
  • Anathema

    Growing up in the south, the majority of the people I met were either Catholic or Baptist, and reconnecting with some of them years later has been... an experience. Occasionally I'll have an enlightening and thought provoking conversation with one of these people, but more often than not I am met wi...
  • Son-Day

    The Creator has blessed my wife and I with a healthy and problem free pregnancy; in about a month my first child, William D.B. Safford, will be joining this world. My wife and I waited nearly 7 years after college before deciding to have children... mainly because of the shape of the USA and the wor...
  • Judge Not

    Judge not lest ye be judged. A phrase that rings as true today as it was at it's inception. Being a man of a multifaceted faith presents challenges to me when dealing with particularily zealous people from my past. It never ceases to amaze me when my staunch Catholic friends accuse others of being s...
  • The Digital Reverend

    Hello Brothers and Sisters, This week has certainly been a test for me. While I normally have some encouraging words, or spiritual advice, today I am just rambling on about what I enjoy most.... Computers. I realize that the readers of this article may range from extremely experienced users to firs...
  • The Prime-Mover's Gift.

    The energy of the Creator caused nothingness to shape itself into an ever expanding universe of space, light, elements, and wonder. Perhaps some of the scientific schools of thought are correct, and the Big Bang was just the "bouncing back" of the previous universe after it's collapse into a singula...
  • Love Thy Enemies

    Let me first preface this by giving a little background. I am NOT a realist. I am an Idealist-Technocrat-PseudoIntellectual with a love for History, Religion, Mankind, and the World itself. I'm not on the same wavelength as many people, and my words can be easily misconstrued. That being said, pleas...