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Randy Ford

Spheres of Existence

  • A difference in grouping the same objects may lead to different viewpoints that may describe the same collection in different ways. That doesn't mean that one viewpoint is superior to the others in general, but some may be better at showing some aspects of the group.

    Following the Bible, I tend to look at the universe as having three spheres of existence: physical, soul, and spiritual. Most seem to view it as physical and spiritual (which includes soul). Others view it as as one: the universe. Holding one of the views does not keep one from learning about and from the other views. Even if one were to consider their view as the only "correct" one, there are still things to learn from the others.

    We tend to look at the "physical" aspect of the universe in three dimensions. In the last century, we came to generally accept time as a forth dimension. After Einsteins work, we tend to acquiesce to there being other dimensions, if not understand them or really believe in them. However, Einstein's work didn't invalidate Newton's; it just added another view that is more accurate at higher speeds.

    There are also laws that may be viewed as applying primarily in different spheres. (Of course, this is not a full list):


    Logic. The P's and Q's. Truth tables.
    Mathematics. (May be viewed as an extension of Logic.


    Physics - Laws of forces, motion, work, conservation of matter-energy, thermodynamics.
    Organic Chemistry


    Psychology (Greek: study of the soul)
    Renewed Mind (Your become based on the thoughts that you hold in your mind. Control your thoughts to control who you become.)


    Note: positive and negative depend on where you place your zero on the number-line.

    Law of Believing (You receive, if available, that which you believe. Fear is believing the negative.)

    Law of Giving (Giving results in more receiving of a similar kind. Results are based on motives: if you give to be seen giving, the
    receiving is that you will be viewed differently; if you give to help others, you will receive more help in some way than what you give.)

    My Christian view: God is a respecter of conditions, not persons. These laws work for saint and sinner alike, but may be amplified by having the Spirit of Christ, which comes by applying the law of Believing: (Rom 10:9-10).

    Another of my Christian views: God signed his word; he can't do less than it. The laws of the Universe are the laws of God.