Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Randy Ford

Recent Entries

  • Stress and Strain

    Stress is usually placed on an object by other objects. A brick placed in the middle of a ten foot long steel beam suspended from the ends causes that same amount of stress as it would placed on a similar beam of paper. The strain, "the amount the beam deforms," would differ significantly. In our ph...
  • Spheres of Existence

    A difference in grouping the same objects may lead to different viewpoints that may describe the same collection in different ways. That doesn't mean that one viewpoint is superior to the others in general, but some may be better at showing some aspects of the group. Following the Bible, I tend to ...
  • What is a good general definition of 'a God'?

    Is this a good definition of "a God?" I was recently asked to for my definition of God on another blog. I had been thinking about it already, and thought it was sufficent for the discussion, so I attempted to give a general definition instead of specifically defining all attributes of 'my God.' &nb...
  • Do people who commit Suicide go to Heaven Immediately?

    Do people who commit suicide go to Heaven Immediately? <!-- End of top_header --> Introduction  This is an attempt to answer to the question "Do people who commit suicide go to Heaven immediately.” I'm assuming that people who read this are familiar with the Bible, and mos...