Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Catharina Hosseini Damabi

Recent Entries

  • What we are doing here ?

    Dear Brothers and Sisters, I joined ULCM because it is an interfaith platform. I understand that this platform and church is mend to bridge different beliefs and to respect each other. Looking on discussions about gay, muslim, pagans, christians and so on I get annoyed and very sad.  I am ask...
  • Let's grow for community!

    Hi there everyone :) I had a very long thought about the hungry people all over the world. And I can see charities do a lot to help. I am in UK and here people can go to the foodbank only 3 times in a whole year, because there is not enough to feed the people. I know all over the world is the same ...
  • ISSL , Islam and Peace?

    I was very shocked to read some harsh judging comments on Islam and ISSL and decided to write this blog for clarification.  I realize that there is a lack of information, regarding Islam itself. First of all In many islamic counties is a lack of education means many people can not read or writ...