Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Priestess RaVen Christina Marie

The Past - Present - Future

  • A lot of us think upon the past, missing what remains there and as we carry on in our day to day lives can gift us with unimaginable things we never thought we would ever ask for, so be patient, remain in the present moment and dwell on what you can do, right here, right now. You are valuable and happiness is obtainable. It truly boils down to choosing to be happy and hoping for the best. Things may have gotten lost in the past, but realize some things come back and some things are meant to remain under lock and key. Trust all will be okay and try your best to meditate on things that are productive and build you up. Avoid at all costs people, places, and things that bring you down, including your very own thoughts, as those thoughts must be tamed. We must have boundaries with others and ourselves, we have the ability to control what we dwell on. Change the cycle and go in the opposite direction. Rebel against what comes naturally, turn negative destructive thinking into positive constructive thinking and watch things evolve, within you and outside you as your thoughts do manifest externally <3 ~RaVen