Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Priestess RaVen Christina Marie

Recent Entries

  • Endless Grievance

    Thy heart feels like it is breaking into many fractals, but it's truly growing larger, not falling apart...The pain of stretching is ringing tears from thine eyes in a waterfalls grace....Bleeding heart aching Beating making more room for those of need, Me I look into... ......
  • The Past - Present - Future

    A lot of us think upon the past, missing what remains there and as we carry on in our day to day lives can gift us with unimaginable things we never thought we would ever ask for, so be patient, remain in the present moment and dwell on what you can do, right here, right now. You are valuable and ha...
  • Just Like That

    In the end none of this will matter.... All the fights and quarrelsIt'll all die offWhat a waste of energy this really is...Can't humans just learn to let go and just be?We are all in an illusory stateLook just passed it and realize you don't need to be hypnotizedby the elite forces puppet stri...
  • Hi!

    Hi, I am interested in getting to know some of you here. I just recently started working as a Home Care Aide and it is quite rewarding. It doesn't come without stress, oh no... But in the long run, I feel it is a job that will stay with me for years to come. This year is the first year that I have f...
  • Casting Its Spell - Deprogram

    The elite of this planet have a secret kept from us since the age of time to maintain control. They don't want us to know our true origin. If we knew, we'd have excessive power and the elite want that power. They want us hypnotized and dulled down. You ever wonder why there's so much confusion in th...