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Rev.Shane Andersen.DD(Hon)

Recent Entries

  • Egypt & Coptic Christians

    Human Rights Report by OMCSydney Snr.Pastor Rev. Shane Andersen DD OSM www.facebook.com/omcsydney Re: Egypt and the Coptic Christians Yesterday, Friday the 20th May 2011 while exploring the Blue Mountains with 2 dear friends in their4 wheel drive, I had the pleasure of travelling through a tiny v...
  • "HUMILITY" - 'Oh ye of little faith!'

    Message by Rev. Dr. Shane Andersen DD (Hon) OMC Sydney14TH January 2015 "Humility" ('Oh ye of little faith') Search the scriptures & read from 1st Corinthians 1: 10-18 about the church in Corinth having some major problems, and Paul wrote them a stirn letter, since he was the one who set up this, ...
  • "Jesus is coming: - is here !!!"

    "Jesus is coming, is here !!! " ....... Message by Rev. Shane Andersen DD Let me first commence by throwing in a few different TIME LINES & explanations in right now... which may help to explain the difficult situation I'm in, by preaching on BOXING DAY. The day AFTER the BIRTH of CHRIST JESUS.......
  • "How Can You Not Believe?"

    GOD KNOWS I'M GAY, HE MADE ME THAT WAY ! "How Can You Not Believe?" By Rev.Shane K. Andersen DD (Hon) Born in the city of Bath as Kenneth Anthony Goodenough (in Somerset, England) on the 6th of January 1949, I was raised in a Christian/Salvation Army family. In fact, I believe that my deep down C...
  • “IF GOD IS ABLE....."

    “IF GOD IS ABLE, WHAT’S KEEPING YOU FROM YOUR MIRACLE?” a message given by Rev.Shane Andersen DD (Hon)LUKE 7: 11-17 A miracle Main reading prior to the message.Luke 1: 37For with God nothing shall be impossible.Luke 18 :26-27 And they that heard it said, Who then can be saved? And...
  • "Destined to Soar"

    "Destined to Soar" Message given by Rev.Shane Andersen DD (Hon)A tiny eaglet fell out of his nest in a tall tree near a farm, and he landed in a chicken coop. He found himself surrounded by little chicks and thought they were his siblings. He grew up like them, learning toscratch for insects and pec...
  • Homosexuality; Not A Sin, Not A Sickness

    Homosexuality; Not A Sin, Not A Sickness by Rev. Elder Don Eastman “Whosoever”The most beautiful word in the Gospel of Jesus Christ is "whosoever." All of God's promises areintended for every human being. This includes gay men and lesbians. How tragic it is that theChristian Church has...
  • The Power of the Bible

    The Power of the Bible By Rev. Mona West, Ph.D. The Bible is a powerful book. What is more important to realize is thatinterpretations of the Bible are just as powerful. New Testament scholar, MaryAnn Tolbert, points out that every interpretation of a text in the Bible is acombination of the stori...
  • SUCCESS-From success to significance

    SUCCESS-From success to significance Session 1For I know the plans I have for you,declares God, plans to prosper you and notharm you, plans to give you hope and a future.- Jeremiah 29:11Issue: How do I define success?The owner of the 75-employee manufacturing company was ready to turn management of...
  • The Bible and Homosexuality

    The Bible and Homosexuality By Rev. Mona West, Ph.D. Lesbians and gay men face discrimination because of societal attitudes. Unfortunately, theseattitudes are often taught by churches and, sadly, the Bible is frequently used as a weapon to“bash” lesbians and gays. It is important to re...
  • Coming Out as Sacramen

    Coming Out as Sacrament By Rev. Mona West, Ph.D.   A sacrament is an act that mediates the grace and mystery of God.Coming out is a sacrament for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender (GLBT)people of faith because it sets us on a lifelong path of manifesting God’s grace inour lives. ...
  • IN THE BEGINNING...Transgender StudySession

    IN THE BEGINNING...Transgender StudySession 1Genesis 1:26-28aThen God said, “Let us make an earth-being in our own image, after our likeness; and let them have dominionover the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over everycreeping t...
  • Gods Call

    God's Call Some people are reluctant servants. I suspect some of God's most reluctant servants are found in the heart of the queer community. When I think of how reluctant we can be as servants, a story comes to mind. A little girl had been trying to learn how to tie her shoes. She struggled for d...