Hi Chris. Having read your post it strikes me that your why is your children, and that is very commendable. It must be tough being a single father. I myself have a 22 year old son, but I still remember looking at my wife when he was born and we both had a mutual perspective change. No longer was either of us the most important person in our relationship, he was. We spent the next twenty years trying to instill the best value / beliefs we felt would benefit him the rest of his life...pass the tourch so to speak. He definately took note, as he dropped out of college and became a certified yoga teacher. I may not wholly agree, probably due to the fact that college educated jobs pay better, but I support him fully in his endevour. Turns out he is probably more spiritually grounded than I could ever have hoped to be at his age. It has taken me years to answer my own why, and I feel very comfortable with the answer, now. I wish you all good fortunes, and pray for a better world for your children to grow up in.