Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Forums » Introduce Yourself


  • May 12, 2018 2:52 PM PDT


    I am new to the Church and really would like to be a part of the online community here! I will be posting more on myself my research and my personal core beliefs and what I hope to bring forth from this new path of mine! I started to give a little heads up in my info. On my bio. To start me off! I ama 39 yr old mother of 2 young boys living a very basic simple life in Colorado. I have been working towards my goals for over 9 years now! I aim to not to change anyone's religion but to hopeful open their minds to the possibility that they are restricted within the confines of the religion its self! I aim to truly show that we all may take a different path but we are all trying to reach the same destination! I already have a radio show I host every Monday night 9 pm pst if anyone would like to know more on anything in here or out of here just ask lets converse and learn from one another!


    Reiki Minister
