Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Brother Micheal McBride

Recent Entries

  • Calling

     I was born and raised Roman Catholic but have always had issues with the beliefs. I was an altar server and completed my sacraments as instructed. To this day I can still remember mass almost word for word, but to me the words ring hollow. There are some good teachings there but I have never b...
  • Lose

      Where is the soul? Is it attached to the mind or the body as a whole. I mean if you go brain dead, does the soul pass on or is it trapped on this realm. Not able to pass but not able to control its body. I had to face this question as I watched my mom suddenly die and be resusc...
  • HOMO

      With the controversy behind the upcoming Powell Funeral and ever accepting Westboro Baptist Church, it brings to light an honest question, is homosexuality a sin?  The Westboro Baptist church would like you to believe that homosexuality is a sin. God made Adam and Eve not Adam...