Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Brian Percival

Recent Entries

  • Who says T.V. Warps your brain?

    Lately, I've been presented with things and situations that have made me angry and that I disliked. I won't delve into the details as they're really not relevant but what is relevant is what I actually learned from a T.V. drama show. One character mentioned to another that he is reall...
  • Re-Birth

    My past decisions, in-decisions, my loves, my losses, regrets I find myself on this, my 40th year on this earth, not reflecting on those things but those things that have yet to come. Though, those things and many more have made me the person I am, I look to the things that will make me the person ...
  • Three Treasures

    I have three treasures, which I hold fast and watch closely.  The first is mercy. The second is frugality. The third is humility. From mercy comes courage. From frugality comes generosity. From humility comes leadership. Now if one were bold but had no mercy, If one were broad b...