Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network


  • We are Ignostic...

    Posted July 27, 2009 by Dr. Anthony ADRIAN

    An article I read abit ago was quite interesting...This article on Ignosticism comes from Wikipedia and does an excellent job of expressing the position of many friends I have encountered throughout my life.  We are focused on what does exist.  What doesn't exist is unimportant to us....

  • Proverbs

    Posted July 27, 2009 by Rev. Marilyn J. Hart

      Proverbs 31:31 Honor her for all that her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.   This verse shows that the Proverbs 31 woman bears fruit for all she has done. She has virtue, she is faithful, she is a loving and caring mother and wife who provides for ...

  • Discerning The Jezebel Spirit

    Posted July 27, 2009 by Rev. Marilyn J. Hart

      Discerning The Jezebel Spirit - Part 1   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=daqE626LfP8   Discerning The Jezebel Spirit - Part 2   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ehlzDYcGBjM   Discerning The Jezebel Spirit - Part 3   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBS6LenQ9ZY ...

  • Praying to Jesus

    Posted July 27, 2009 by Dr. Anthony ADRIAN

        What if we pray to Jesus like this: "Dear Jesus, please appear to us, as you did to Paul and the 500 brethren, so that we can see the evidence of your resurrection. In your name we pray, amen." Here is what Jesus has promised us in the Bible:   Matthew 7:7 Jesus says: Ask, ...

  • Facing Forever What We have Lost

    Posted July 26, 2009 by Rev. Marilyn J. Hart

        Facing Forever What We Have Lost               Widows.  Suddenly we have joined a select community, one we had never thought to enter.  We are sisters of sorrow, daughters of the void.  Suddenly our identity is ...

  • Pagan/Nature Spirituality Ministers

    Posted July 26, 2009 by Rev. Alice Pauser "Nizhoni Tala"

    Summer Greetings, I am interested in discussions and articles on Nature Spiritulaity in all of its forms. Also, wondering if anyone has taken courses through Cherry Hill Seminary. Ser Asi [Be Well] Alice [Nizhoni Tala]

  • A Compassionate Mind

    Posted July 26, 2009 by Sean Snarr-Jones

    Good Morning. I received a wonderful message in my email this morning. I thought I would share it with you, I really apreciate the message of compassion. Skip Jennings sends out daily meditations and thoughts. I hope you enjoy this too. Meditative Thought “What I Know About Compassion” Ch...

  • Who Do You Say I Am

    Posted July 24, 2009 by Rev. Marilyn J. Hart

        WHO DO YOU SAY I AM   *Q Jesus Asked   *Q People Asked   *Things Jesus Taught   *Jesus on Prayer   *The seven l am`s   *Seven words from the cross     JESUS   *Jesus On Prayer   *The Lord's Prayer   *Jes...

  • The Miracles of Jesus

    Posted July 24, 2009 by Rev. Marilyn J. Hart

      THE MIRACLES OF JESUS.       A.          Why couldn't Jesus do miracles in His own hometown (Mark 6:4-6)?       1.      In (Mark 6:4-6), the Bible says, "Jesus said to them, '...

  • Banned From the Bible

    Posted July 24, 2009 by Rev. Marilyn J. Hart

      Banned From the Bible I - The History Channel (1 of 12)   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2EPOsTVjWlE   Banned From the Bible I - The History Channel (2 of 12)   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDD93OPlOC8   Banned From the Bible I - The History Channel (3 of 12) &...

  • Growing

    Posted July 24, 2009 by Sean Snarr-Jones

  • This would be my perfect wedding!!!

    Posted July 24, 2009 by Dr. Anthony ADRIAN


  • Being Like PAUL

    Posted July 24, 2009 by Dr. Anthony ADRIAN

    Food for thought... When we look at these Bible passages, there is a question that comes to mind -- why did Jesus stop making these appearances? Why isn't Jesus appearing today? It really is odd. Obviously Paul benefitted from a personal meeting with the resurrected Christ. Because of the pe...

  • Former fundamentalist 'debunks' Bible

    Posted July 24, 2009 by Dr. Anthony ADRIAN

      Former fundamentalist 'debunks' Bible CNN -- Just so you know, Bart Ehrman says he's not the anti-Christ. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bart Ehrman says most of the New Testament is a forger...

  • Thoughts of wisdom

    Posted July 23, 2009 by Daved Boston

    thoughout  my travels in this vast and beautiful world...i have had the pleasure to meet and get to know some very wonderful people....and have enough new experience to fill many life times....growing up the oldest of four boys with both parents workin hard to give us everything we ever wanted ...

  • Two little idioms

    Posted July 23, 2009 by Vince Houle

    I don't remember the authors of either of these, but they really have some meaning and I just wanted to share them ... some food for thought "You can't shake hands with a clenched fist" "Too often we seek justice for just us"

  • The cup of Suffering...

    Posted July 23, 2009 by Sean Snarr-Jones

  • Careful to the ones you TRUST...

    Posted July 23, 2009 by Dr. Anthony ADRIAN

    Nothing but the facts: http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/Wolves/td_jakes.htm -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T.D. Jakes EXPOSED! Compiled and edited by David J. Stewart "D...

  • Power Of Intention

    Posted July 23, 2009 by Dr. Anthony ADRIAN

    Good viewing from Dr. Wayne Dyer: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6926190409205608805&ei=4V5oSvuxAqHaqALA5OjwDA&q=dr.+dyer&hl=en    

  • The Seven Signs

    Posted July 22, 2009 by Rev. Marilyn J. Hart

      Apocalypse 1/9(History Channel)     http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BoTExQEyblU   Apocalypse 2/9 (History Channel)   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NnYID6Kc-VE   Apocalypse 3/9 (History Channel)   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2lwq8E4ypXQ   Apo...

  • Jesus not REAL??

    Posted July 22, 2009 by Dr. Anthony ADRIAN

    Stop!!  I knew this would catch your attention.  Just do your homework on the wonderful religions out there in this world and "truly" see the beauty they all have.   To all, don't get caught up with setting boundaries on religion...let's not repeat our wo...

  • God Helps with your Troubles

    Posted July 22, 2009 by Rev. Marilyn J. Hart

      God Helps with Your Troubles: Bible Solutions for Problems, Suffering, and Hardship Everyone has troubles. We face problems, affliction, suffering, and hardship. We need strength, endurance, and patience. Why do people suffer? Are all trials the result of sin committed by the one who suf...

  • May God bless all who read this!

    Posted July 22, 2009 by Rev. Marilyn J. Hart

    See below:    

  • Six Biblical Steps to Revive the Nation

    Posted July 21, 2009 by Rev. Marilyn J. Hart

          Six Biblical Steps to Revive the Nation       By     : Rick Warren From: Purpose Driven Magazine   Monday, April 6, 2009 5:18 PM EDT   In America, we’re facing the worst econ...


    Posted July 20, 2009 by MIN. RAHAMEEM KEDAR BEN-ISRAEL D.d. H.p. B.Msc.

      “METAPHYSICS” Traditionally, the word "Metaphysics" comes to us from Ancient Greece, where it was a combination of two words-Meta, meaning over and beyond and physics. Thus, the combination means over and beyond physics. In the definition found in most dictionaries, Metaphysics is referred ...

  • Mary Mary (One Minute)

    Posted July 19, 2009 by Rev. Marilyn J. Hart

      MaryMary One minute   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOcnWwoxzqM

  • Yesterday!

    Posted July 19, 2009 by Rev. Marilyn J. Hart

      yesterday  (Mary Mary)   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghjgno6gtwg

  • Hold On!

    Posted July 19, 2009 by Rev. Marilyn J. Hart

      Yolanda Adams - Hold On   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xe2b67-SDGs

  • T. D. Jakes Preaching - Woman thou art loosed

    Posted July 19, 2009 by Rev. Marilyn J. Hart

      T. D. Jakes Preaching - Woman thou art loosed (1)   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3MXssyADBY   T. D. Jakes Preaching - Woman thou art loosed (2)   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIEBbsMYubA   T. D. Jakes Preaching - Woman thou art loosed (3)   http://www....

  • Joyce Meyer- Loving Life & Loving Yourself 1of 3

    Posted July 19, 2009 by Rev. Marilyn J. Hart

      Joyce Meyer- Loving Life & Loving Yourself 1of 3   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWfSZ9hp2G0   Joyce Meyer- Loving Life & Loving Yourself 2of3   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ig-7gTakuDs   Joyce Meyer- Loving Life & Loving Yourself 3of 3   htt...

  • Who Wrote the Bible? - History Channel

    Posted July 19, 2009 by Rev. Marilyn J. Hart

      Who Wrote the Bible? - History Channel (Part 1 of 12)     http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8PQ6_0gJUE     Who Wrote the Bible? - History Channel (Part 2 of 12)   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fK5zvn0z5h4   Who Wrote the Bible? - History Channel (Part 3...

  • Thought of the Day!

    Posted July 19, 2009 by Rev. Marilyn J. Hart

    Thought of the Day NO REGRETS, JUST RESTORATION It takes patience to overcome the effects of years of use and abuse. If you are not committed to getting back what you once had, you could easily decide that the proc...

  • Have a blessed weekend everybody!

    Posted July 18, 2009 by Rev. Marilyn J. Hart

    Hope you all have a wonderful, peaceful, hopeful, and restful weekend!    Take care and may God bless you all!

  • 6 foods that keep you full and satisfied

    Posted July 18, 2009 by Rev. Marilyn J. Hart

    I saw this article on yahoo and thought I'd share it will all of you:  I found this to be interesting since we all try and eat healthier, or at least we try. Blessing's to you all!   Binge-proof your diet: 6 Foods that keep you full and satisfied   The big, fat (...

  • Universitality of the Golden Rule

    Posted July 18, 2009 by Sean Snarr-Jones

      Baha'i Faith  “Lay not on any soul a load that you would not wish to be laid upon you, and desire not for anyone the things you would not desire for yourself.” “Ascribe not to any soul that which thou wouldst not have ascribed to thee, and say not that which thou doest not.” “Ble...

  • My dedication to service.

    Posted July 15, 2009 by Reverend Terry L. Allen Sr.

        When Jesus Christ walked this world so many many years ago, it was His family, and His hometown, that were the hardest to convince that He was truly the "Son of God". It seems that those closest to us are the hardest to tell when we make the choice to follow Him. The hardest to co...

  • Raising Godly Children: Key 1 Bible Principles for Parents to follow

    Posted July 15, 2009 by Rev. Marilyn J. Hart

    Raising Godly Children Current mood:  blessed Category: Religion and Philosophy Raising Godly Children: Bible Principles for Parents to Follow in Fa...

  • Raising Godly Children Key#2

    Posted July 15, 2009 by Rev. Marilyn J. Hart

    Raising Godly Children Key#2 Planning Current mood:  blessed Category: Religion and Philosophy   Raising Godly Chi...

  • Raising Godly Children Key#3

    Posted July 15, 2009 by Rev. Marilyn J. Hart

    Raising Godly Children Key#3: Love Current mood:  blessed Category: Religion and Philosophy Raising Godly Children ...

  • Raising Godly Children Key#4

    Posted July 15, 2009 by Rev. Marilyn J. Hart

    Raising Godly Children Key #4 Instructions Current mood:  blessed Category: Religion and Philosophy   Raising Godl...

  • Raising Godly Children Key#5

    Posted July 15, 2009 by Rev. Marilyn J. Hart

    Raising Godly Children Key#5 Authority (Control) Current mood:  blessed Category: Religion and Philosophy   Raisin...

  • Raising Godly Children Key#6

    Posted July 15, 2009 by Rev. Marilyn J. Hart

      Raising Godly Children Key #6: Motivation - Punishments and Rewards This is part of a series about Bible principles for raising children. Parents would prefer that their children simply obey them without chastisement. But in practice this does not always happen. Often the child'...

  • Question #3: Why Do Mothers Obtain Abortions?

    Posted July 15, 2009 by Rev. Marilyn J. Hart

      Question #3: Why Do Mothers Obtain Abortions? The Bible teaches that abortion violates God's will. Defenders of abortion, however, usually try to open the door by emotional appeals to traumatic cases. If these exceptions are granted, they proceed to argue for abortion on demand. A clo...

  • Question #2: How Should We Treat an Unborn Child?

    Posted July 15, 2009 by Rev. Marilyn J. Hart

      Question #2: How Should We Treat an Unborn Child? The Scriptures have established that the unborn life in the mother's womb is a human individual from conception on. Therefore, we will not hesitate to refer to it as a human being or person. How then should we treat this unborn life? Ma...

  • Question #1: Is the Life in the Womb a Human Individual?

    Posted July 15, 2009 by Rev. Marilyn J. Hart

      Question #1: Is the Life in the Womb a Human Individual?   Consider now the Bible teaching about abortion. The fundamental question to be answered is whether or not the life conceived in the mother's womb is a human person, separate and distinct as an individual from the mother. ...

  • Abortion and the Bible

    Posted July 15, 2009 by Rev. Marilyn J. Hart

      Abortion and the Bible: Pro-Life or Pro-Choice? Is abortion moral or immoral? Is the unborn life in the mother's womb (the "fetus") a separate individual human being, or is it just part of the mother's body? Does it have a right to life? Should the decision to abort be left up ...

  • Cloning of Humans

    Posted July 15, 2009 by Rev. Marilyn J. Hart

      Cloning of Humans Is it morally right for scientists to clone human beings? Whether or not cloning of humans can be done successfully, the question remains as to whether it would be morally right to even attempt it. Please consider the following Bible principles as applied to this questio...

  • Cast Your Cares On Him

    Posted July 14, 2009 by Rev. Marilyn J. Hart

        Cast Your Cares On Him   When problems crop up, couples with an idealistic view of what constitutes a "good" marriage are quick to think, "We can never be that good!  The chasm between where they are and where they think they should be seems hopelessly uncrossable. Here&...

  • The Right Venue

    Posted July 14, 2009 by Sollena Morginn

      Greetings, Today was a deep reflection day.  Newly out of work and yes it is a blessing for sure.  I am engaging in my deep passion for life with the new creation I call Sacred Yoga Dance.  What fun! I live in a small community of folks that are here to be in community. ...

  • Honoring Mother Every Day

    Posted July 13, 2009 by DonnaJ Gamache

    I lost my father 29 years ago, when I was 19. My mother is nearly 80 years old, still ambulatory, but getting more frail each year. I realize that even though she has seemed indominable to me throughout my life that her life is winding down. She still has her compact car, keys, and license to drive,...

  • Today is the first day.....................

    Posted July 13, 2009 by Lindsey Morrison Grant

    I got up today feel quite ill at ease. Whether it was waking up to the screaming of a 10 yr.-old,"There are ants on the counter!" or caffeine depravation....or some other cause, I felt I need to deal with it or be overwhelmed. I went to take a eary afternoon nap (mind you, it was Sunday), but it was...

  • Celebrating 22nd Wedding Anniversary

    Posted July 12, 2009 by DonnaJ Gamache

    Twenty-two years ago yesterday, my husband John and I were married. We wanted a non-religious service, and in Missouri you don't have many options for that. We both had abandoned the faith in which we were raised (Roman Catholic) decades ago, since that time we have been "un-churched," and we n...

  • Prison & Jail Ministry 1st Fundraiser

    Posted July 12, 2009 by Duane H Pridy

      2009 FUNDRAISER Jeremiah 29:11 Prison & Jail Ministry Fundraiser July 12, 2009 to September 01, 2009 Pridy Outreach Ministry 331 W. 2nd Street Medford, OR  97501 Telephone 1-541-499-6835 Email: dpridy97501@gmail.com   Greetings To All,      ...


    Posted July 12, 2009 by Darlena Pagan

      Salutations, Special object of the devotion to the Sacred Heart, click here!  My Favorite Resources: Electronic Text Center: The Bible, King James Version  You tube NAACPOLOGY, click here! NAACPOLOGY, click here! Bible Study Lessons Free Online|Christian Course Le...

  • Death of my nephew, and my friend.

    Posted July 6, 2009 by Rev. Ronald Yarger D.D.

  • Independence ?

    Posted July 4, 2009 by Tina Bradley

    Happy Independence Day! I wonder how many of us are actual 'free'? Free from the burdens of everyday life.  One of the biggest devourers of my freedom is my family.  Yet this is what the Scriptures tell us we are called to do.  Between caring for elderly parents and moving...

  • Could today be the first day of the rest of my life?

    Posted July 3, 2009 by Tina Bradley

    God has led me to this point in my life.  I know that I am called to ministry.  I've been filling this through my church as a musician, teacher and local outreach volunteer.  I think that this area, as well as the entire world, is filled with people yearning to grasp hold of trut...

  • On Michael Jackson, an observation on posts elsewhere

    Posted June 29, 2009 by Lindsey Morrison Grant

      Thank you BET and Jackson family for putting together this tribute in such quick order. In my opinion, BET is not racist, but rather living up to its name, despite comments I observed elswhere. Black entertainers have been passed over for years in terms of awards. Let us not forget tha...

  • The Arrogance of the Ministry

    Posted June 26, 2009 by Lindsey Morrison Grant

    I had a dream last night. I took my family to church (it just happend to be Portland's Ankeny Foursquare which I attended in the seventies). I had four small children with me. Needless to say, they were being children. As children, they wear their hearts on their sleeve. One came to me and told...

  • FWD: This Fall: Mandatory Swine Flu Vaccines?

    Posted June 25, 2009 by Toxic Reverend

    See the fwd for the article about probable mandatory swine flu vaccines and information about medical complications with past vaccinations. Google search terms: ??? refusing vaccination based on religious beliefs ??? ____________________ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jehovah%27s_Witnesses_an...

  • Positive news from the hospital

    Posted June 24, 2009 by Neil Frisch

    My nephew is in the hospital he received a bone marrow transplant last week. When you get a bone marrow transplant among other things it drops your white blood cell count down to nothing. He has been in a sterile room few several days now as his blood count dropped off the radar. Tod...

  • The Wiccan Rede-Full Version

    Posted June 24, 2009 by Rev Dr Mark Fearing

    The Wiccan Rede (Full Version) Bide within the Law you must, in perfect Love and perfect Trust. Live you must and let to live, fairly take and fairly give. For tread the Circle thrice about to keep unwelcome spirits out. To bind the spell well every time, let the spell be ...

  • Dettmer VS Landon- Wicca As A Religion

    Posted June 24, 2009 by Rev Dr Mark Fearing

    September 4, 1986 HERBERT DANIEL DETTMER, APPELLEE, v. ROBERT LANDON, DIRECTOR OF CORRECTIONS, APPELLANT Appeal from the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, at Alexandria. Richard L. Williams, District Judge. (CA-84-1090-AM). Mark R. Davis, Assistant Attorney Gener...

  • Original Charge of the Goddess

    Posted June 24, 2009 by Rev Dr Mark Fearing

    ORIGINAL CHARGE OF THE GODDESS   Now listen to the words of the Great Mother, Who was of old also called among men Artemis, Astarte, Athene, Dione, Melusine, Aphrodite, Cerridwen, Dana, Arianrhod, Isis, Bride And by many other names. Whenever ye have need of anything, Once...

  • I Promise .... Wedding Vow

    Posted June 21, 2009 by Sollena Morginn

    Wedding Poem   I promise to give you the best of myself and to ask of you no more than you can give. I promise to respect you as your own person and to realize that your interests, desires and needs are no less important than my own. I promise to share with you my time and my...

  • Wedding Prayer

    Posted June 19, 2009 by Sollena Morginn

    Divine Mother, Divine Father, Divine Spirit We thank you for your blessings and we thank you for the opportunity to serve Love. We give thanks for the earth that feeds and shelters us, we give thanks for the wind that refreshes us, we give thanks for the fire that warms us, we give thanks for t...

  • The Organic Scam R&D

    Posted June 18, 2009 by Toxic Reverend

    I have a blog posted that is titled; The Politics of Food (free movie) plus Action Networks at the Toxic Reverend Myspace profile or you could just Google "Organic Scam" and R-D it for yourself, too. Baby Green organic lettuce had the highest levels of perchlorate (a rocket fuel addative) of al...

  • I have faith in God! What about Religion?

    Posted June 17, 2009 by Gora Adkins

    Since I was a small child I held a strong sense of God's presence in my life ! I felt a so called "calling to the ministry" this has been something  I have questioned for nearly 30 years of my life ! I have never questioned my faith in God,however along lifes journey I still struggle with ...

  • It's All So NEW to Me!

    Posted June 13, 2009 by Christine VanWert

    I have heard God calling me to minister for Him since I was a little girl but, I was scared. I was scared that people would laugh at me for being honest and sharing what was in my heart.   But, now I am older and have learned a simple truth. We are ALL scared. It's NOT God we are scared ...

  • First Church of Zenta

    Posted June 10, 2009 by Rev. Brother Rauk Zenta

  • Spirituality Versus Religion

    Posted June 10, 2009 by Rev. Brother Rauk Zenta


  • Just a reminder

    Posted June 7, 2009 by Neil Frisch

    Perhaps now would be a good time to remind everyone that no matter how unjust the world may seem. We are all responsible for our own actions. Lashing out at others is never a positive response. This life is but a passing moment in eternity. The timorous pains we suffer, are nothin...